May 20, 2012

Saigon Sundays: Lap-dog Syndrome

Saigon is no lap-dog. He weighs a solid, 80 pounds for heavens-sakes! But you can't really reason these facts with a dog who loves to cuddle with his people. Saigon's motto: No lap should be empty.


  1. Adorable! My dog Wilson (100 pounds) would do the same, but he's not allowed up on the couch. The bed, however, is a different story. I sometimes wake up in the morning with him lying on my back :S

    1. We are currently in "operation train Saigon to sleep on the floor", which is actually going better than expected ;p While we like having him up with us sometimes, in reality, it's like squeezing 3 adults into a queen size bed!

  2. It's just so hard to say no, isn't it? Wilson does this thing where he rests his head on the edge of the bed, almost like he's asking for permission. So hard to say no when he's being so darn cute :)

    1. Tell me about it - story of our life! So hard to say NO ;)

  3. Cutie cute!! I can't wait to get a dog. Well, somedays I can't. Then I imagine having Elizabeth (and probably more) AND a dog, and I rethink it.
