So needless to say, I haven't been blogging lately. And I haven't even really been reading. I am in a rut you guys. I blog all the time in my head, but when I have the time to sit down at the computer, I just don't have the energy to type all those thoughts out. It's not necessarily that I have a lack of free time in which I could read or blog, it's that when my plate is full, I'm tired, so instead I read other people's blog, waste time on Facebook and Twitter and play games on my phone. Actually, I've played a lot of games on my phone this past month. A lot. I know many people have a ton on their plates and are able to find balance, but I am not one of those people. When I have a lot on my plate, things like blogging, reading, cooking and house-work get neglected, and sometimes I have a hard time digging myself out of the rut I've fallen into.
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This is all I want to do when I get home from work most days. |
Here's a quick break down (list of excuses) as to why I've been not-blogging and not-reading:
- I've been working two jobs. And yes, I appreciate that lots of people work two jobs, but this is about me here. For the past year I've been working part-time at a bookstore. I started one casual nursing position back in August, but once orientation was over, it didn't amount to any actual shifts. So I started another casual nursing position in October which has me working lots of orientation shifts and attending lots of learning work shops AND has the potential for me to pick up lots of shifts once I'm done orientation. It's fantastic, but very overwhelming! And trying to juggle that schedule with working odd-hour shifts at the bookstore was just getting to be too much. Not to mention I have a husband who apparently would like to spend more time with me and a dog that appreciates being walked everyday. I NEED STRUCTURE TO THRIVE. I like routine. Routine allows me to be productive. For some reason, when I have no routine, that is when I become the master of procrastination and wasting time. So, sadly, it was time to let the bookstore job go and focus on my nursing career again. I have one shift left next week. While I will miss the bookstore tremendously, I am excited to not have the stress of trying to juggle both jobs.
- I've started to over think my blogging and as I have gained more readers, I have become more insecure in my writing abilities. I am NOT a writer, I know this! BUT, I love books, and I do really love blogging. I need to stop treating my posts like book reports - over analyzing every little word and punctuation mark.
- I am so behind in writing about the books I've read in the past 2-3 months that I am overwhelmed just thinking about writing about them. When I'm overwhelmed, I procrastinate even more. I know I could just skip the books I've read and start anew from present day, but I want to talk about those books.
- Jim has been bringing home work to work on most nights lately, work which requires him to use our one and only computer. Obviously work that brings home a pay check takes precedence over blogging.
But wait, I have a plan! And writing said plan down is the first step, right?
Brie's plan to dig out of laziness and procrastination rut (because really, don't laziness and procrastination go hand in hand?):

1. Start writing what pops into my head and no looking back. I enjoyed The Grapes of Wrath readalong so much because I just wrote. No over analyzing, not much proof-reading, just write and post. Which I would also think reflects the true me because I'm writing without thinking about it too much.
2. Catch up by writing mini posts on all the books I've read but haven't talked about on the blog. This is important to me to do because part of the reason behind starting this blog was to work on remembering the books I read.
3. Bring back Saigon Sundays. Mostly because my sister keeps asking about them, but also because I love doing them.
4. Invest in a second laptop.
5. Inform husband about step #4.
Now I just have to stick to said plain...
I've gained a few more readers as well and I don't want to be writing up a book report. Before, I was pretty much writing for myself, but now, others are reading it as well! I just feel as if I need to be able to sum up my thoughts clearly and I think I'm getting a bit better now. Sometimes, I type things and realize that if someone hadn't read the book, they would have no idea what I was even talking about, so that's another problem!
ReplyDeleteI saw your comment on Kristilyn's blog about living a life. You obviously have one and if you're tired after work, then don't pressure yourself to do something. Just do it when you can... (even though you're procrastinating, haha. It's okay, everyone does)
Good luck with everything!!
Yes - it can be challenging to be able to sum up the book clearly and also give others an impression of what the book is about! What I'm slowly learning is, most people aren't looking for "book reports" can get that on goodreads, etc. I find it more interesting when people talk about the book and their experience to the book or relate it to something in their life. Of course, that's also just my opinion :) I think you are very good at writing about the books you read, Leanne!
DeleteHaha "you obviously have one [a life]"! Well..if by having a life you mean a husband and a dog and household responsibilities then yes! ;p I guess I just need to find that balance. I enjoy blogging so I should be able to make time for it at least once or twice a week, right? :)
YAY! Glad to see you're back =) I sometimes worry too about balancing life and everything else, hence the fact that I've been quite MIA on my own blog over the last few months. But blogging should really be about what you want to do, rather than what you feel you should do. So just do what feels right, and the rest will just fall into place.
ReplyDeleteThat was mighty profound for a Thursday evening, if I do say so myself. Perhaps it was the prenatal yoga tonight -- I must be feeling zen or something. I think that I shall go have a peanut butter cookie and try to read for a little while (I've been in a massive reading rut myself ... for the last five months or so? It sucks. Seriously sucks. So I feel you.)
Aw, thanks, Melissa! Feels good to be back :)
DeleteYou are totally right. I just need to stop over thinking things. Sometimes I feel like posting, but then I think, but I just posted yesterday, maybe I should hold off for a few days, then I forget, or don't feel like it and it never happens. I know a lot of bloggers and readers like schedules, but I feel with google reader and RSS feeds and twitter/FB, it doesn't really matter, since I don't really read blog posts "on a schedule" either.
And look at you all mommy-wise now! ;) Thanks for the thoughtful comment :)
Bah ha ha -- the end of your response just cracked me up! I think I shall start sliding my glasses down the end of my nose before dispensing wise words of wisdom ;-) Gotta practice up!
DeleteScott Stratton says only write when you are inspired. I think that is the way to go. Don't sweat the time away and just bring out the happy when you do write. Inspiration and love will bring more readers anyways:) Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteScott Stratton says only write when you are inspired. I think that is the way to go. Don't sweat the time away and just bring out the happy when you do write. Inspiration and love will bring more readers anyways:) Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, I'm often inspired to write (hence the always writing in my head part), but I often struggle to get those thoughts typed out...not sure if it's from nervousness or just laziness ;)
DeleteThank you for the kind comment, Brandie! I feel a lot better just getting these thoughts out there! :)
You are so a writer! I really enjoy reading your blogs Brie. And Yes Saigon Sundays are the best, and i know i am not the only one that thinks that, you make them so funny. Hope you get your groove back. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteAw, you're da best! xo
DeleteI'm a major procrastinator too, Brie! It's definitely something I need to work on, but I agree about the tired thing. That's what I've been like too. It's like my brain is tired after school and then I work on Fridays and biweekly Saturdays and that makes my feet tired. Tired feet + tired brain = one lazy Ambur. :P
ReplyDeleteRight now, I'm actually supposed to be working on an essay and research paper. :P But I figured I'd visit some of my fellow Edmonton Bloggers' blogs before I got really going...*sigh*
Hopefully we can both overcome our procrastination/laziness problem. :P
I think I've been a big procrastinator most of my life lol! All my school papers in college were written last minute. I work well under pressure :) BUT, my blog doesn't really *pressure* me as I don't have deadlines, etc. Which is why the readalong was a nice challenge - it added that needed pressure to see it through to the end. And yes, when I'm tired, which is often lately, I just want to READ other's blogs, not write my own ;)
DeleteWe can support eachother in defeating laziness! hahaha
YOU playing games? I would never have known that. ;)
ReplyDeleteI tend to overthink reviews and have to remind myself to just write my thoughts. You're right, a review isn't a book report -- it's just sharing your thoughts!
Yay for Saigon Sundays! And a laptop! I think that's a wonderful idea. :) I think I need to come up with a schedule to stay on track of things, like getting up at a certain time and blogging for an hour or so in the morning BEFORE everything starts.
And you're a wonderful blogger! You can write! You read awesome books! You can totally do it!
*refreshes word with friends before typing this* LOL, I am addicted to games!! But it's nice to have a challenging partner too :) And sometimes, all my brain can handle is some word games!
DeleteYou're reviews are all so well written, and flow and appear to have just jumped from your brain out onto your computer screen. When you told me how long it takes your to typically type up a review post, that's when I knew I over think mine WAY too much! ;)
And thank you - your kind comments totally made my day! You are too kind :)
Blogging in my head - omg yes. I get sooo annoyed sometimes that everyone can't just see all the brilliant thoughts I'm thinking. UGH, I have to write it down now? :)
ReplyDeleteToo bad about the second job, but, nursing (IMO, never done it of course) is such a demanding job, physically, mentally... I can't imagine the stuff you go through! So really, no excuse needed there.
I over analyze too. With my last couple posts I've started to move away from that (while reading a book by a major over analyzer, ironic!) and I don't think the quality has suffered.
Maybe do a summary post, like a Fall Reading Summary or something. I use that quite often as a post per book is too much sometimes.
And - I can't believe you only have one computer! That's crazy talk. Remember when you were a kid and you could only use the phone OR be on the internet? That's what you are reminding me of right now. Get a laptop, it'll change your life!
PS I only called you out because I really miss your blog!
YES! You blog in your head too! My mom says this is a sign of a true writer. I dunno about that, but I know I need to focus on getting those ideas out on paper/screen more often.
DeleteI've really liked your last few posts in which you aren't really *reviewing* a book, but talking about the book while in the middle of reading it. I find them just as interesting to read and I feel like I really get to know you better that way. Some of my other favorite book blogs do this a lot too. And after doing the readalong, I realized it's pretty fun to write about a book while in THE MIDDLE of reading it. It's a lot easier to get your thoughts out, that's for sure.
LOL - I should clarify that we HAD two computers up until we moved back to Alberta last year. But it hubby's older desktop and we didn't actually use it all that much. One computer wasn't much of an issue until Jim started bringing home work to work on. After reading your comment I made fun of him how he's a 36 and never owned his own lap top yet! Crazy ;p
P.S. Thanks for missing my blog - you put a big smile on my face today :)
bahahaha I love step 5, you sound just like me! I totally hear you on the over analyzing of the posts. I found that when my readership went up I got really self conscious and felt every review that I wrote was crap. And then my husband pointed out to me that people who follow my blog like it because of the way that I write and there's nothing wrong with not being perfect. I hope your plan works and I get to read about your progress here!
ReplyDeleteGood think I included step 5 because hubby actually read this post all on his own doing and then said "I agree with you - we need a second computer"! So yay for that ;)
DeleteIt does make me feel better that someone as established as you in blogging felt self conscious at one point too. I would never guess it now - your reviews are all so well articulated! But I like what your husband said (and agree with him). Staying true to yourself is the most important, and that is reflected in your writing for sure :)
I enjoyed reading your this post as I have been contemplating starting my own blog but like many bloggers wonder if I have the time or, will I make the time to post? Could I devote at least twice a week to it without the rest of my life getting in the way? Or proscrastinating over it? These are questions going thru my head until I'm so overwhelmed that I think maybe I just won't do it. But I really want to!! My computer techie of a husband has offered several times to set it up for me and I keep telling him I'm not ready. Your post gives me hope that I might be able to do this! It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be me as your blog is definitely YOU Brie :-)
ReplyDeleteP.S. You had me LOL'ing over your Grapes of Wrath posts!!
I think there is no way to know until you just try! It's definitely a learning process, and you learn a lot about yourself along the way! And honestly, some of my favorite bloggers follow no schedule, and while I wish they posted more often (because I love reading their posts), I'm just happy when they do post. Meaning, I would never stop following them just because they don't have a schedule.
DeleteI think you should try it! Maybe write up a few posts before you actually make your blog - that way you have a few posts all ready to go in the event you don't have time to post one month, etc. I kind of wish I had done that, knowing what I know now about myself. A lot of bloggers write their posts well ahead of time. I will never be that type of blogger though lol.
And thanks for following along with The Grapes of Wrath posts! It was a lot of fun and I'm glad someone outside of the readalong also enjoyed it :)
I feel your pain when it comes to actually *writing* blog posts and I don't even have your "I am working two jobs" excuse. Don't be insecure about your writing because it's fun to read and you're not being graded on anything. Also yes to more Saigon Sundays cos oh man you have the cutest pup
ReplyDeleteThanks, Alley! I now no longer have the two jobs excuse (as of today!). So well see how it goes from now on.
DeleteOH LOOK, I have a partner in I-haven't-been-blogging excuses! haha life's tough. I havent read a book in weeks, and when I do its super slow. School + work is killig me, I can't find the time to keep up with everything :s I think I need an action plan like you. But I feel ya sister, I think ill need to bring some of my features back too. Boo, our poor blogs!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it feel better to know you're not alone?? ;) Honestly, I find it so admirable that full-time students like yourself, who also work part-time still manage to find the time to run a blog! But I hear ya - it's so easy to get off track with both reading and blogging. And everyday I'm like, oh, well I'll just write a post tomorrow and then tomorrow comes and I say the same thing until before you know, a few weeks have past by! I just want to catch up so I can start the new year nice and fresh! :)