January 11, 2016

1 week down, 51 to go!

Did everyone survive their first week of 2016? Are you still feeling motivated by all the goals you made for yourself? This is my first time really taking my goals seriously. I know it's only been one week, but I don't ever remember having this much awareness or motivation in the past when I've made goals. Maybe it's because I'm older now and since having a kid, time passes by even faster than I ever thought possible and so I'm more aware of how precious time is, especially the time I get to myself? Remember when we were younger, like college days young, and the days in-between a weekend were the longest days ever?! It would feel like eternity until the next weekend rolled around. I want that feeling back.

Anyway, in my neck of the woods, it's been a pretty great week. I kicked off last Monday morning with a trip to the grocery store, armed with my grocery list made from the meal planning I actually did the night before. I have to admit, I felt like a real grownup, perusing the grocery store with my list and crossing things off. And I didn't even stray which is HUGE for me. Of course, grocery shopping with a toddler takes a lot longer and while my little companion was a great sport the entire time, I'm thinking I'll try to get out on Sundays for groceries when I can.

grocery shopping with a toddler
{snack monster…strawberry stains and cookies!}

Some of our meals from the week:

Tomato & Basil Crustless Quiche - this recipe I got from one of my favourite cookbooks ever, Quinoa 365. I've actually made a lot from this book and we've loved everything I've ever cooked. This one was no exception, but I definitely need some work in the whole learning what eating a normal serving size feels like, because I felt like I could have eaten 3x this amount. This recipe also heated up really well for lunch the next day.

Tomato and Basil Crustless Quiche from Quinoa 365

Baked "Oatmeal Cookie" Oatmeal from Budget Bytes. This actually wasn't even on the meal plan menu, but Saturday I felt like making something warmer and savoury for breakfast and I quickly stumbled upon this recipe on pinterest. I love recipes that require ingredients that are already pantry staples for me. I added chocolate chips and some walnut pieces to mine. I'm already looking forward to breakfast this week since this makes a lot!

Baked Oatmeal

Friday night I went out to my book club to Smuggler's Inn, which was really the perfect restaurant to tie in with our book, The Revenant. All day I knew I wanted to get steak, and so steak I did. Although, while there was nothing wrong with my meal, I always find the steak sandwich at restaurants to be a little underwhelming. And a whole lot of brown on the plate! Included in our meal though, was the salad and soup buffet so I did get in some greens and veggies beforehand, just no pictures.

Steak sandwich at Smuggler's Inn Calgary

Mid week, a really good friend of mine was passing through town and stopped in to spend the night with us. I've decided that mid-week visitors are a great way to break up your week! Carol and I have been friends since nursing school, and while our lives have taken us to different cities, when we do get to see each other, it's like no time has passed. That's the best kind of friendship if you ask me.

Carol is also one of my most adventurous friends and she brought along her snowshoes. She's so smart though, that when she bought her pair, she bought two pairs so that someone never has an excuse not to go with her! Brilliant. After Sully's nap on Wednesday, we bundled up and headed to Fish Creek Park where I crossed one off the ol' bucket list (and my January goals list!). I'm not really sure what I thought snowshoeing entailed, but it's much easier than I expected, and I already can't wait to go again.

Snowshoeing in Calgary
Snowshoeing in Calgary
Snowshoeing in Calgary
Snowshoeing in Calgary

I also got on the treadmill four times this week and ran for the first time on Saturday. Into the mix, I also threw in some quick little workout videos to compliment my hill walking. I feel like it's been so long since I regularly worked out that my new approach is going to be to gradually increase my workouts (both in length and intensity) in hopes to build a habit of being active instead of just a phase. I think I often jump in 100% head first without any acknowledgement to my muscles or body. But this time, I want to be kinder to my body and accept that I'm essentially starting from zero right now. Which means I can only go up, right?

Other exciting news:

I finally bought new sports bras. My boob size has been all over the map since getting pregnant. First they got really big. Then after the first several months of nursing they seemed to deflate a bit back to normal, but then I couldn't really remember what my "normal" size was anymore. Throw in a bit of weight gain, and they last thing I wanted to do was invest in expensive sports bras when I didn't know if I was at my new normal size. So basically, I've just been wearing a regular old bra with a crappy old sports bra on top. Shameful and not very comfortable! I finally got to the point where I realized I was avoiding working out some days because I DREADED putting on my two crappy bras. So ya, long story long, I took advantage of Victoria's Secret sports bra sale today. With the purchase of a sports bra, you get a pair of leggings for free! And I definitely don't need anymore leggings, but you guys, when I tried them on, I was sold - the higher rise holds everything in real nicely and they were just comfortable all around. AND, as a pretty short person, they aren't too long! Only bummer was they were so picked over in colours that I had to settle for pretty much black everything.

Victoria's Secret sports bras and leggings

And thanks to Becky and Leigh for telling me about this tank…of course I couldn't go home without it!

Victoria's Secret Gym & Tonic tank

Friends, tell me how your first week of the year went!

Best meal you ate last week?

Favourite type/brand of sports bra?

Have you been snowshoeing before? Love it or leave it?

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