February 02, 2016

A Mini Getaway: Vancouver, BC

On Friday evening, I surprised Jim with a trip to Vancouver for the weekend to visit my sister, Vanessa, her boyfriend, Grant, and our old dog, Saigon. We have been talking about taking a big road trip in the summer to visit all of our friends and family in BC, but I really just wanted a weekend to see my sister without any other obligations. I booked the trip a few weeks ago, told Jim he needed to take Monday off because of something I had planned for him that was only available to do on a Monday, and arranged for my mom to come for a visit so she could babysit (thanks, Mom!!).

Flying Westjet
Flying Westjet

We left bright and early on Saturday morning and flew on one of those tiny planes that you board from the tarmac. Luckily, the flight from Calgary to Vancouver is only 80 minutes, so we were there in no time! And flying without a toddler...heaven! I also managed to pack only a carry-on for the weekend (unheard of for me!) and let me tell you...I vow to do this in the future whenever possible. So much time saved for both arriving at the airport and leaving.

Reading on an airplane...my favourite time to read!

A Sudden Light by Garth Stein

The main purpose of our trip, other than hanging out with my sister, was to get in some good quality snuggles and time with Saigon. For those of you who are newer to the blog, you probably don't remember Saigon, but he was our dog for 3 years until shortly after Sully was born (I used to write a weekly series called Saigon Sundays). Before that, he was my brother's dog. Now, he's living a fantastic life with Vanessa, full of long walks by the beach, naps on a king sized bed, and more back rubs than he could ask for. We miss him dearly, but are just so glad that he's living a happy life in a good home.

Saigon Snuggles
Saigon Snuggles
Saigon Snuggles
Saigon Snuggles

We arrived at my sister's place in North Van around lunch time, and after saying our hello's to Saigon, we grabbed lunch and drinks at Browns Social House. Afterwards, we took Saigon on a big walk down to the waterfront before heading out to a local pub for the evening. Of course, it was cold and rainy on Saturday and Sunday, but you don't go to Vancouver for the weather in January!

Lunch and Drinks at Browns Social House
Walking in North Van

This was the first time Jim and I have been able to go out together and not have to wake up at the crack of down with a hungry toddler. We had a blast drinking and catching up with Vanessa and Grant, before crawling into bed shortly after midnight. (If you follow me on snapchat, then I'm a tad embarrassed to say you got a good look at the fun we were having!)

Drinks at the Pub
Drinks at the Pub

Sunday we had a slow morning before heading out for some greasy food to cure our hangovers and then just hung out with Saigon. We went to a movie in the evening (The Big Short), and then grabbed some Pho and sushi.

Saigon Snuggles

Monday, the sun finally came out (of course it did - it was our last day there!), so we walked to an 80s diner for brunch and coffee and then I popped into the Public Library next door to get a library card to add to my collection (new life goals - dream big, friends, dream big!). We headed back to the apartment to grab Saigon and then spent our last hour in town walking around with him.

A visit to the library
North Vancouver
Walks in North Van
Walks in North Van

It was a bit of a whirlwind of a weekend and passed far too quickly for my liking, but I'll take any amount of time with my sister over no time with her. Why can't everyone I love live in the same city?!

I know it's almost the middle of the week now, but I hope you all had a good weekend!

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