Let's also, for a minute, talk about how stressful it is deciding what book to pick to read! I tried to keep in mind that I just needed to pick a book I was planning to read anyway, but I still wanted to pick something that would entice you guys to also want to read it. Don't worry, if all goes well, and people enjoy this little online book club, then we will vote on the next books we read!
Now - on with the details!
It's quite simple really: read the book, come back on the day I post my review, and discuss the book in the comments (if you wish), and link up to your own post on the book (if you wish). You by no means have to be a blogger to participate, everyone is welcome! The whole point of having an online book club is to encourage people to read, and to have a space to talk about the book. I honestly find so much pleasure in discussing a book with friends - it really adds the overall experience of reading. Sometimes you miss something, or you interpret something in the book a different way than someone else. It can be quite interesting to hear someone else's thoughts on a particular book, especially if it's a book you loved and the didn't, or vice versa.
OK, more specific details!
Here's the book I've chosen for this month: Inside the O'Briens by Lisa Genova (goodreads link).
From Goodreads:

Huntington’s is a lethal neurodegenerative disease with no treatment and no cure. Each of Joe’s four children has a 50 percent chance of inheriting their father’s disease, and a simple blood test can reveal their genetic fate. While watching her potential future in her father’s escalating symptoms, twenty-one-year-old daughter Katie struggles with the questions this test imposes on her young adult life. Does she want to know? What if she’s gene positive? Can she live with the constant anxiety of not knowing?
As Joe’s symptoms worsen and he’s eventually stripped of his badge and more, Joe struggles to maintain hope and a sense of purpose, while Katie and her siblings must find the courage to either live a life “at risk” or learn their fate.
How did I pick this book? Well, I'm a huge fan of Lisa Genova's books (I've read them all except for this one, which is her newest book), and I told myself I would pick a book I already owned. I've had this book on my shelf for a few months now, and given the topic, I think it's a book that is sure to be an interesting and eye-opening read, and will give us lots to talk about. I also hope it will appeal to all the different reading genre preferences out there. Keep in mind - one of my favourite things about a book club is reading out of your comfort zone!
Book Club (for now, anyway), will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. So everyone should have their book read by April 20! This gives you 5 weeks, which I think is plenty of time to get this read in. For local peeps: there are currently 15 copies (out of 43) available at the Calgary Public Library, and also some copies of the audio version (CD and downloadable).
On April 20, I will have my review of the book posted (spoilers allowed! - it is a book club after all!), with some questions included that we can discuss in the comments. If you have a blog and want to do your own review post (or include the review in another post), that's awesome, and I will have a link-up for you, but it is by no means necessary that you do so if you do not want to. If you do, please link back and feel free to use this photo (there's also a button in my side bar).
In that post, we will also vote on the next month's book, and I am definitely open to suggestions on books if you would like to pass them along!
That's it! Did I forget anything? I'm really, really excited about this, and I'm grateful for those of you who expressed interest in this and I hope some of you will join me next month!
Let me know if I missed anything or you have any questions!
Happy reading!
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