Dear Sullivan,
I know I don't write you monthly letters anymore, but since it's your half birthday today, I wanted to document the little toddler you are growing up to be. It blows my mind how much you have changed since your first birthday. On a day to day basis, the changes aren't as noticeable, but when I look back on your photos from month to month, it's hard to believe you were ever not walking, talking or throwing temper tantrums! Your little personality is developing rapidly and it is a delight getting to know you better and better. You have the best sense of humour, and neither your father or I are quite sure where it comes from, but we strongly think you take after your Papa Fraser in that field. He was quite the prankster and jokester growing up (and still is), and we see those characteristics in you more and more.

You babble non-stop during the day, but the only real words you say are Dada, ball, more, buh-bye, uh-oh, and sometimes mama, but usually only when you are upset. On a whim, I started teaching you some sign language which you picked up immediately. Signing "more" is your most used and helpful sign. You use it to communicate when you want more of something you're eating, when you want something from the fridge or pantry, or when you want me to repeat something, like tickling you, or reading a book again. You can also sign "water", "grapes", "nap/bed time", and "bath".
While your vocal vocabulary is still developing, you clearly understand when we are talking to you. You can point out all your facial features, and point to specific people when asked to identify them. You will go retrieve things when asked, and you love to take things to the garbage and to the washing machine or laundry basket. You are quite the little helper when you want to be!

Your appetite, for the most part, is pretty darn good. Your favourite foods are yogurt, cheese, green smoothies, olives (green and black), pickles, apple sauce, cottage cheese, green peas and grapes. Fruit is hit and miss. Some days you will devour blueberries, for example, and then the next you think they are the grossest thing ever. You still nurse 2-3x per day (morning, nap and bedtime), but if I'm not available, it's no big deal and you easily go to bed, or wake-up, without. You still aren't much of a fan of any type of milk or non-dairy milks, but you will drink the odd glass of cow's or almond milk if it's mixed with chocolate almond milk. Of course, anything from mom's or dad's plate or glass tastes 100x better than the exact same food or drink on your plate.
We haven't properly weighed or measured your height in awhile, but based on our home scale you were just over 22 pounds. For height, all I know is you are a few inches short of the minimum height requirement of 32 inches for the rides at Heritage Park! You are still sporting size 4 diapers, which I feel like you've been in forever, and mainly wear size 12-18 month clothing. Pants in the 6-12 month range still fit you better in the waist, but aren't long enough in the legs. You are my lean, and muscular little toddler!

You are still a great sleeper, and rarely wake up in the middle of the night, and if you do, you are easily settled back down if you can't do so on your own. You still wake up pretty grumpy, both in the morning and from naps, but I'm hoping that's just a phase. Naps are still a daily struggle and totally unpredictable. I'm lucky if you'll nap for 45 minutes most days, although some days you'll stretch it to an hour and a half. But I have never, ever, been granted the gift of alone time from a three hour nap! Those must be a myth. Gramma says I was the exact same growing up, so I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Sully, you test my patience daily, question my sanity at times, drive me bonkers, but my love for you is larger and stronger than I ever thought was humanly possible. You are my little mini-me, with the stubbornness and temper to prove it. I look at you every day and think what did I do to deserve such an adorable, spirited, loving little boy.

I love you to the moon and back,
Mommy xoxo
Happy belated half birthday little guy! PS toddler boy clothes are too dang cute. I can't wait to start buying them!
ReplyDeleteThey are fun to buy! You have to look a little harder sometimes, and we might not get as much selection, but I never have trouble finding something cute!
DeleteLove you and miss you everyday lil buddy!!!
ReplyDeleteHe missed you too! :)
DeleteSo sweet. I love all of his facial expressions! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple days!
ReplyDeleteMe too! Let's hope Sully is on his best behaviour in the car haha ;)
DeleteHappy half birthday Sully! He is so cute :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
DeleteAww, so sweet! Happy half Birthday Sully! It's remarkable to see how much they change!
I know, it's crazy!
DeleteThanks, Kelly! That photo was taken seconds before a meltdown lol. He was not having the hat that day!
ReplyDeleteAw I loved reading this! What a sweet little guy! I totally agree - drives me crazy and makes me questions my insanity but love them so much!!
ReplyDeleteHaha yup - can't imagine life without him now! Every day is literally an adventure.
DeleteWhat a big boy! That picture with his hat and jean shirt. I die. So cute.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet letter!! He is such a cutie!! I love love this age! They change so much but their personalities are so clear! I just wish the tantrums would stop!